Are All Male Politicians Potential “Weiners?”

Posted: by Speider Schneider in Labels: , , ,

With all the Weiner stories flying, I was asked to write a commentary for about how politicians shouldn't be allowed to have access to social media. Unfortunately, with the changing and emerging information and evidence every hour, my commentary got bumped off the front page for the "erotic texts" he sent to an unfortunate young supporter.

That's the news business! But in the blog business, there's always room for stories that end up being cut, so here it is...


A young digital Illustrator e-mailed me after seeing a post of mine on a business networking site. He asked, “After reading your profile, I would love to hear anything else you have to offer regarding the inside of the industry!”

I wrote back, “Yikes! That would take ten minutes, at least. Not much I can say without breaking non-disclosures with my clients. What did you have in mind?”

He replied back, “Well, being on the other side of the table as an Art Director, what did you look for in freelance creatives? Anything you can impart would be appreciated. Thanks!”

I thought about the answer. What really got me interested in using new talent?

Published 5.31.2011 - Read more at Freelanceswitch


I’ve traveled to many art schools, being asked to review senior student portfolios and speak on professional practices in the design business and the one thing I always notice is the lack of direction in student portfolios. Even with professionals, there is often no idea what or even how to present work to a client. Without senior level courses on portfolio preparation or classes taught by those who have been out of the field too long to know current trends, it is confusing and students are left with their own thoughts on what a client wants to see.

Published 5.4.2011 - Read more at Instantshift
